AWS - CD-V2-1000 Scale - 1000g x 0. 1g

Sale price$33.08 CAD


The CD1000 is the perfect scale for measuring food, spices, medicine, tea, yeast, or any other tiny objects. Its stainless-steel surface is a breeze to clean. You can either place your items directly onto the platform or use a tray/container for measurement. Simply press the Mode button to switch between grams, ounces, troy ounces, and pennyweights. The Tare button allows for quick and effortless taring. Even in dimly lit environments, the backlit LCD display makes reading the numbers a breeze. Plus, the lid can double as a tray to protect the scale from scratches and everyday wear and tear. The CD1000 is the ultimate precision-measuring tool.

Key Features

  • Digital scale with a protective lid that looks like a CD case
  • Mini scale with a big LCD display
  • High-precision sensors for accuracy
  • Stainless steel surface that is lightweight and easy to clean
  • Digital food scale that is flexible for many uses to discretely weigh small portions

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